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Home » Yields on cash are likely to drop. Invest here instead, Janus Henderson says

Yields on cash are likely to drop. Invest here instead, Janus Henderson says

In a recent report by Janus Henderson, it has been suggested that yields on cash investments are likely to drop in the near future. This news may come as a disappointment to many investors who have been relying on cash as a safe haven for their money. However, Janus Henderson is advising investors to consider alternative investment options that may offer better returns in the current economic climate.

One of the key reasons for the expected drop in cash yields is the low interest rate environment that has been prevailing for several years now. Central banks around the world have kept interest rates at historically low levels in an effort to stimulate economic growth. While this has been beneficial for borrowers, it has meant that savers are earning less on their cash investments.

In light of this, Janus Henderson is recommending that investors look at other asset classes that have the potential to offer higher returns. One such option is equities, which have historically outperformed cash over the long term. Investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks can provide investors with the opportunity to benefit from capital growth and dividend income.

Another option that Janus Henderson is suggesting is to consider investing in fixed income securities, such as bonds. While bond yields have also been low in recent years, they can still offer better returns than cash investments. Additionally, bonds can provide investors with a regular income stream, making them a valuable addition to a diversified investment portfolio.

Of course, it is important for investors to carefully consider their risk tolerance and investment goals before making any decisions. While equities and bonds can offer higher returns than cash, they also come with a higher level of risk. It is essential to conduct thorough research and seek advice from a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

In conclusion, the outlook for cash yields is not promising, according to Janus Henderson. However, this does not mean that investors should abandon cash entirely. Instead, they should consider diversifying their investment portfolio to include a mix of asset classes that have the potential to offer better returns. By carefully assessing their risk tolerance and investment goals, investors can make informed decisions that will help them achieve their financial objectives in the long term.