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Why was there a wall at the end of the runway

If you’ve ever been to an airport, you may have noticed a tall wall at the end of the runway. This wall is not just for decoration or to mark the boundary of the airport – it serves a crucial safety function.

The wall at the end of the runway is known as a blast fence or blast wall. Its purpose is to protect buildings, infrastructure, and people from the powerful jet blast created by aircraft taking off or landing. Jet blast is a significant hazard at airports, as it can cause damage to nearby structures, vehicles, and even injure people.

When an aircraft’s engines are running at full power during takeoff or landing, they create a powerful stream of exhaust gases and air known as jet blast. This jet blast can reach speeds of up to 200 miles per hour and can extend for hundreds of feet behind the aircraft. The force of the jet blast can be strong enough to knock over vehicles, damage buildings, or injure people standing too close.

The blast fence or wall at the end of the runway is designed to deflect the jet blast upwards and away from nearby structures and people. These walls are typically made of concrete or steel and are designed to withstand the force of the jet blast without being damaged. In addition to protecting nearby buildings and infrastructure, blast walls also help to improve the safety of aircraft operations by reducing the risk of accidents caused by jet blast.

In addition to blast walls, airports may also use other safety measures to mitigate the impact of jet blast, such as installing jet blast deflectors or using designated blast zones where people and vehicles are not allowed to enter during aircraft operations.

Overall, the wall at the end of the runway may seem like a simple structure, but it plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of aircraft operations and protecting people and property from the powerful forces generated by jet blast. So next time you see a blast fence at the end of the runway, you’ll know that it’s there for a very important reason.