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Home » Troops disperse as Bolivia arrests leader of coup attempt

Troops disperse as Bolivia arrests leader of coup attempt

On November 4th, 2021, troops were deployed to disperse protesters in Bolivia as the government arrested the leader of a coup attempt. The leader, identified as retired Colonel Eduardo Delgado, was detained by authorities after allegedly trying to overthrow the government.

The attempted coup began on November 3rd, when a group of armed individuals stormed the presidential palace in La Paz, demanding the resignation of President Luis Arce. The group claimed to be acting on behalf of the Bolivian people and accused the government of corruption and mismanagement.

In response, President Arce condemned the coup attempt and called on the military to take action to restore order. Troops were quickly mobilized to disperse the protesters and arrest the leaders of the coup attempt.

The arrest of Colonel Delgado marks a significant step in quelling the unrest in Bolivia. The government has vowed to investigate the incident and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

The attempted coup has raised concerns about political stability in Bolivia, which has a history of political unrest and military coups. President Arce has promised to address the underlying issues that led to the coup attempt and work towards building a more stable and inclusive government.

The international community has also condemned the coup attempt and expressed support for the Bolivian government. The United Nations and the Organization of American States have called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis and urged all parties to respect democratic principles.

As troops disperse the protesters and the government works to restore order, the people of Bolivia are hoping for a swift resolution to the crisis and a return to normalcy. The arrest of Colonel Delgado is a significant step towards achieving that goal and ensuring that the rule of law is upheld in the country.