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Home » Taiwan on alert over ‘waves’ of missile tests in north China

Taiwan on alert over ‘waves’ of missile tests in north China

Taiwan is on high alert as reports emerge of multiple missile tests conducted by China in the northern region of the country. The tests, which involved the launch of various types of missiles, have raised concerns about the escalating tensions between Taiwan and China.

According to Taiwanese officials, the missile tests were carried out in the Bohai Sea, an area located near the coast of China’s northeastern province of Hebei. The tests were reportedly conducted by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and involved the launch of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and hypersonic weapons.

The missile tests have sparked fears that China may be preparing for a potential military confrontation with Taiwan. Taiwan, which Beijing considers a renegade province, has long been a source of tension between the two countries. China has repeatedly threatened to use military force to bring Taiwan under its control, while Taiwan has vowed to defend itself against any aggression.

In response to the missile tests, Taiwan has raised its military alert level and deployed additional forces to monitor the situation. Taiwanese officials have also called on China to exercise restraint and avoid any actions that could escalate tensions in the region.

The United States has also expressed concern over the missile tests, with the Pentagon issuing a statement condemning China’s actions. The US has reiterated its commitment to Taiwan’s security and has called on China to engage in dialogue to resolve the longstanding dispute peacefully.

The missile tests come at a time of heightened tensions between Taiwan and China, with Beijing ramping up its military activities in the region. In recent months, China has conducted numerous air and naval exercises near Taiwan, prompting Taipei to scramble its own fighter jets and naval vessels in response.

The missile tests in northern China are the latest in a series of provocative actions by Beijing that have raised concerns about the potential for a military conflict in the region. As tensions continue to simmer, Taiwan remains on high alert, ready to defend itself against any threat to its sovereignty.

In the face of growing aggression from China, Taiwan is calling for international support to help maintain peace and stability in the region. The missile tests serve as a stark reminder of the volatile situation in the Taiwan Strait and the need for all parties to exercise restraint and work towards a peaceful resolution of the longstanding dispute.