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Home » New Biden tariffs on China’s EVs, solar, medical supplies reportedly due Tuesday

New Biden tariffs on China’s EVs, solar, medical supplies reportedly due Tuesday

President Joe Biden is set to announce new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs), solar panels, and medical supplies on Tuesday, according to reports. The move comes as the Biden administration seeks to address what it sees as unfair trade practices by China in these key industries.

The tariffs are expected to target Chinese imports of EVs, solar panels, and medical supplies that are deemed to be subsidized by the Chinese government or sold at artificially low prices. This is part of a broader effort by the Biden administration to level the playing field for American companies and workers in these industries.

The decision to impose tariffs on Chinese EVs, solar panels, and medical supplies is likely to be met with strong opposition from Beijing, which has already warned that it will retaliate against any such measures. However, the Biden administration has made it clear that it is willing to take a tough stance on trade with China in order to protect American interests.

The tariffs are expected to be imposed under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, which allows the president to take action against foreign countries that engage in unfair trade practices. The Biden administration has already used this authority to impose tariffs on Chinese goods in other sectors, such as steel and aluminum.

The new tariffs on Chinese EVs, solar panels, and medical supplies are likely to have a significant impact on both countries’ economies. China is a major exporter of these products to the United States, and any tariffs imposed on them could lead to higher prices for American consumers and potentially harm Chinese companies that rely on exports to the US.

At the same time, the tariffs could also benefit American companies in these industries by making their products more competitive in the domestic market. This could help to create jobs and boost economic growth in the United States, which has been a key priority for the Biden administration.

Overall, the new tariffs on Chinese EVs, solar panels, and medical supplies represent a significant escalation in the trade war between the two countries. It remains to be seen how Beijing will respond to these measures, but it is clear that the Biden administration is committed to taking a tough stance on trade with China in order to protect American interests.