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Home » Kamala Harris sees surge in big money support after Biden drops out

Kamala Harris sees surge in big money support after Biden drops out

After former Vice President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2020 presidential race, Senator Kamala Harris has seen a surge in big money support from donors across the country. Harris, who is running for the Democratic nomination for president, has been gaining momentum in recent weeks and this influx of financial support is a testament to her growing popularity within the party.

Harris, a former prosecutor and California Attorney General, has been positioning herself as a strong and capable leader who can take on President Trump in the general election. Her focus on issues such as criminal justice reform, healthcare, and climate change has resonated with many Democratic voters who are looking for a candidate who can both inspire them and deliver on their policy priorities.

With Biden out of the race, many donors who had previously supported him are now turning their attention and financial resources to Harris. According to recent reports, Harris has seen a significant increase in donations from high-dollar fundraisers and wealthy donors who see her as the best chance to defeat President Trump in 2020.

Harris has also been successful in building a grassroots fundraising operation, with contributions from small-dollar donors making up a significant portion of her campaign funds. This combination of big money support and grassroots enthusiasm has put her in a strong position as the primary season heats up.

In a recent statement, Harris thanked her supporters for their generosity and pledged to continue fighting for the issues that matter most to Americans. She emphasized the importance of building a broad coalition of supporters from all walks of life and all parts of the country in order to defeat President Trump and bring about real change in Washington.

As the Democratic primary race continues to unfold, it is clear that Kamala Harris is emerging as a top contender for the nomination. With her growing support from big money donors and grassroots activists alike, she is well-positioned to make a strong showing in the upcoming primaries and caucuses. Only time will tell if she can secure the nomination, but one thing is certain – Kamala Harris is a force to be reckoned with in the 2020 presidential race.