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Home » Israeli airstrikes kill at least 35 in Rafah, Gaza authorities say

Israeli airstrikes kill at least 35 in Rafah, Gaza authorities say

At least 35 people have been killed and dozens more injured in a series of Israeli airstrikes in the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, according to local authorities.

The airstrikes, which targeted several areas in Rafah, including a residential building and a mosque, were part of Israel’s ongoing military campaign against Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military said the airstrikes were in response to rocket attacks launched from Gaza towards southern Israel. In a statement, the military said it had targeted “terrorist infrastructure” in Rafah.

However, Palestinian officials condemned the airstrikes, calling them a “massacre” and accusing Israel of targeting civilians. The Gaza Health Ministry said that among the 35 people killed were women and children.

The latest violence comes amid heightened tensions in the region, with clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem and other parts of the West Bank.

The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire and urged both sides to exercise maximum restraint to avoid further escalation of violence.

The international community has also expressed concern over the situation, with several countries calling for an end to the violence and a return to negotiations for a lasting peace agreement.

Meanwhile, residents in Rafah are left reeling from the devastation caused by the airstrikes, with many families displaced and homes destroyed.

As the death toll continues to rise, the need for an immediate ceasefire and a return to dialogue between Israel and the Palestinians becomes more urgent than ever. The cycle of violence and bloodshed must be broken to prevent further loss of life and suffering on both sides.