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Home ยป Iran readies missile attack against Israel, U.S. official says

Iran readies missile attack against Israel, U.S. official says

Tensions in the Middle East have reached a new high as reports surface that Iran is preparing a missile attack against Israel. According to a U.S. official, Iran has been actively developing and positioning missiles in preparation for a strike against its longtime enemy.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, stated that Iran has been moving missiles into position for a potential attack on Israel. The official also mentioned that the United States has been closely monitoring Iran’s movements and is prepared to respond if necessary.

This latest development comes amid escalating tensions between Iran and Israel. The two countries have a long history of hostility, with Iran supporting various militant groups in the region that have targeted Israel. In recent years, Iran has also been expanding its military presence in Syria, which has raised concerns in Israel about the possibility of a direct conflict between the two countries.

The news of Iran’s alleged preparations for a missile attack has also raised concerns in the international community. The United Nations has called for de-escalation and dialogue to prevent a potential conflict from breaking out. The European Union has also expressed its concern over the situation and has urged all parties to exercise restraint.

Israel, for its part, has made it clear that it will not tolerate any aggression from Iran. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned that Israel will not hesitate to defend itself against any threats to its security. Israel has also been conducting military drills and increasing its readiness in response to the perceived threat from Iran.

It remains to be seen whether Iran will follow through with its alleged plans for a missile attack against Israel. The situation in the Middle East is volatile and unpredictable, and any miscalculation could lead to a dangerous escalation of hostilities. The international community must work together to prevent a potential conflict and find a peaceful resolution to the ongoing tensions in the region.