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Exchanged prisoner Yashin condemns his ‘illegal expulsion’ from Russia

Former Russian prisoner Yevgeny Yashin, who was recently exchanged for Ukrainian sailors in a high-profile prisoner swap, has condemned his “illegal expulsion” from Russia.

Yashin, a Russian national who was serving a 10-year prison sentence in Ukraine for espionage, was one of 35 individuals exchanged in the swap. The exchange, which took place on September 7, was seen as a positive step towards easing tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

However, in a recent statement, Yashin expressed his disappointment at being expelled from Russia, where he had lived for many years before his arrest. He claimed that the decision to expel him was made “without any legal basis” and called it a violation of his rights.

Yashin’s case has attracted attention due to the circumstances surrounding his arrest and imprisonment. He was accused of being a spy for Ukraine, a charge that he has consistently denied. His supporters claim that he was targeted for his political beliefs and activism.

In his statement, Yashin vowed to continue fighting for justice and for the rights of political prisoners in both Russia and Ukraine. He called on the international community to support him in his efforts to seek justice for those who have been unfairly imprisoned.

The Russian government has not yet responded to Yashin’s allegations of illegal expulsion. However, human rights organizations have called for a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding his case and for his rights to be protected.

Yashin’s case is a reminder of the challenges faced by political prisoners in countries with authoritarian governments. It serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding the rule of law and respecting the rights of all individuals, regardless of their political beliefs.

As Yashin continues to speak out against his expulsion and fight for justice, it is important for the international community to support him in his efforts. His case highlights the need for continued vigilance in defending the rights of political prisoners and holding governments accountable for their actions.