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Home » Biden to speak tonight; protestors march in Chicago near United Center

Biden to speak tonight; protestors march in Chicago near United Center

President Joe Biden is set to speak tonight at the United Center in Chicago, but his visit is already facing opposition from protestors who are marching near the venue.

The protestors are calling for accountability and justice in the wake of recent incidents of police brutality and systemic racism. They are demanding that the Biden administration take concrete steps to address these issues and ensure that all Americans are treated fairly and equally under the law.

The timing of the protest is significant, as it comes just days after the one-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. The killing of Floyd sparked widespread protests across the country and renewed calls for police reform and racial justice.

President Biden has pledged to address these issues and has already taken some steps to do so, including signing an executive order on police reform and calling on Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. However, many activists and protestors believe that more needs to be done to truly address the root causes of systemic racism and inequality.

As Biden prepares to speak tonight at the United Center, he will likely be met with a mix of supporters and detractors. While some may see his visit as an opportunity to push for change and hold the president accountable, others may view it as a mere symbolic gesture that falls short of meaningful action.

Regardless of the outcome of tonight’s events, one thing is clear: the fight for justice and equality is far from over. The protests in Chicago and across the country serve as a powerful reminder that the voices of the marginalized and oppressed must continue to be heard and that the struggle for a more just society is ongoing.