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Home » AOC rallies to Biden’s side as progressives split over backing his 2024 campaign

AOC rallies to Biden’s side as progressives split over backing his 2024 campaign

The 2024 presidential election is still a few years away, but the political landscape is already heating up as progressives debate whether to throw their support behind Joe Biden for a second term. The divide among progressives has become more apparent in recent weeks, with some advocating for a united front behind the current president, while others are hesitant to back him due to concerns about his policies and leadership.

One prominent progressive who has come out in support of Biden is New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has been a vocal advocate for progressive policies such as the Green New Deal and Medicare for All. In a recent rally in support of Biden, AOC emphasized the importance of maintaining a Democratic majority in the White House to continue pushing for progressive change.

“We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines and let the Republicans take back control,” AOC stated at the rally. “We need to stand united behind President Biden and ensure that we continue to make progress on important issues like climate change, healthcare, and racial justice.”

AOC’s endorsement of Biden has sparked a debate among progressives, with some praising her for prioritizing party unity and others criticizing her for supporting a candidate they see as too moderate. Some progressives argue that Biden has not done enough to address key issues such as income inequality and systemic racism, and that they cannot in good conscience support his re-election bid.

The split among progressives highlights the challenges facing the Democratic Party as it seeks to maintain a broad coalition of voters while also addressing the diverse interests within its ranks. With the 2024 election on the horizon, it is clear that the party will need to navigate these tensions carefully in order to present a united front against the Republican Party.

As the debate over Biden’s candidacy continues to unfold, it is clear that progressives will need to come together to strategize and mobilize ahead of the 2024 election. Whether they ultimately decide to throw their support behind Biden or pursue a different path, one thing is certain: the progressive movement will play a key role in shaping the future of the Democratic Party and the country as a whole.