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Alaska Airlines flight attendants reject new contract

Alaska Airlines flight attendants have rejected a new contract proposed by the airline, citing concerns over pay and working conditions. The proposed contract, which was negotiated between the airline and the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, was voted down by a majority of flight attendants in a recent vote.

The main issues that led to the rejection of the contract were related to pay and scheduling. Flight attendants expressed dissatisfaction with the proposed pay increases, which they felt were not sufficient given the rising cost of living. Additionally, concerns were raised about scheduling practices, with flight attendants feeling that they were not being given enough rest time between flights.

In a statement, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA said that they were disappointed by the rejection of the contract, but that they would continue to work with Alaska Airlines to address the concerns of their members. The union also emphasized the importance of fair pay and safe working conditions for flight attendants, and pledged to continue fighting for a better contract.

Alaska Airlines has stated that they are committed to working with the flight attendants to reach a new agreement that is satisfactory to both parties. The airline has emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive relationship with their employees and ensuring that they are fairly compensated for their work.

The rejection of the proposed contract by Alaska Airlines flight attendants is a reminder of the importance of fair labor practices in the airline industry. Flight attendants play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers, and it is essential that they are treated with respect and provided with fair compensation for their work.

As negotiations continue between the airline and the flight attendants’ union, it is hoped that a new contract can be reached that addresses the concerns of all parties involved. In the meantime, Alaska Airlines passengers can rest assured that flight attendants will continue to provide the excellent service that they are known for, despite the ongoing labor dispute.